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Hampshire Pewter Launches
April 21, 2004

Hampshire PewterWe're proud to announce the launch of a brand new website for Hampshire Pewter. They're located in beautiful Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, near the edge of Lake Winnipesaukee. In their old-fashioned workshop, the Hampshire Pewter craftsmen lovingly make pewter lamps, tankards, tableware, Christmas ornaments, and gifts. Each year one of their Christmas ornaments adorns the national Christmas tree in Washington, DC, representing the state of New Hampshire.

Their new e-commerce website features their complete catalogue of products in a user-friendly environment. Working with Bob Steele, the owner of Hampshire Pewter, we tailored a site that meets the specific needs of his company and his customers. We were careful to develop the site with the same attention to detail as Hampshire Pewter employs in crafting their pewterware. Learn more in our portfolio about the many features of the site.

If you happen to come by our office, we would love to show you a beautiful Hampshire Pewter Concord Oil Lamp on display atop the mantle in our boardroom. It fits wonderfully with our Victorian era building.

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