silverorange | building powerful web-based systems
Washington Update
October 25, 2001

We’re back from our trip to Washington where we attended the NN/g User Experience Conference 2001-2002 to receive an award from Jakob Nielsen for the Best Intranet of 2001. Many thanks to the team from the Nielson Norman Group for the award and their wonderful hospitality at the conference. Here are a few pictures from the conference and check out Steven’s interview on CBC radio (RealAudio).

The Nielsen Normal Group with silverorange

Nick, Daniel, Dan, & Isaac from silverorange with the Nielsen Norman Group (including Bruce ‘Tog’ Tognazzini, Luice Hwang, Hoa Loranger, Kara Pernice Coyne, Marie Tahir, & Elizabeth Franko)
Dan meets Jakob Jakob presents Dan with the award

Jakob Nielsen presents silverorange CEO Dan James with the award for Best Intranet 2001 at the User Experience 2001 conference in Washington D.C.

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