silverorange | building powerful web-based systems launches
December 18, 2001

A die used to make a Hepplewhite Pull silverorange has made some new friends in Cromwell, Connecticut. The Horton Brasses company produces authentic reproduction furniture and cabinet hardware. Founded in the 1930s by Frank A. Horton, Horton Brasses has a long tradition of quality and craftsmanship and we are proud to work with them.

Their previous website was built and managed in-house since 1996. The new site is a complete ecommerce system highlighting the Horton Brasses product line - including some beautiful high-detail photography so you can get a great feel for the workmanship of the products before you order.

Many of the strengths of the site are not immediately apparent. Rather, they lie in the details of the interactions with the system. In fact, you may never notice some of the more powerful features — and that is exactly how it should be:

  • An effective search that corrects common misspellings — especially important when you sell escutcheons
  • Helpful and constructive error notifications — written in a straightforward and friendly manner
  • Mapping all of the pages from the previous site to the appropriate page on the new site — this will allow for the many links to their popular previous website to remain intact
  • High-detail product photography — there are some things you can do on the web that simply can’t be done in a print catalog — take advantage of the medium — see an example (630Kb JPG)

Barbara, Toby, and the whole crew at Horton Brasses were great fun to work with and we enjoyed our visits to their factory in beautiful Cromwell, Connecticut. While the web is still our real area of expertise, we’ve been learning a lot about woodworking lately — a nice compliment to our knowledge of gardening products.

See the Site »

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