Adam Howell, of
The Weekly Standards, recently applauded the website we developed for the rock
band Sloan.
Updated every week, The Weekly Standards "is dedicated to
recognizing sites that have been lovingly crafted with web
standards and the future in mind."
As the following excerpt expresses, Howell commended the
site's design both for its interactive elements and for the
architecture underlying the system:
"Built as kind of an interactive haven for fans of the band,
the silverorange team designed a photo gallery that fans can
send in pictures to, an area where fans can submit reviews
of live shows, and centered the homepage around the,
previously abandoned, band weblog. All of this content is
styled by one stylesheet and formatted without any need for
tables. From album thumbnails to audio files, every page has
the room and ability to scale as the content continues to
grow. Before I saw the site last year, I'd never heard of
the band. But after perusing it, I feel like I've known them
for years. That - and not some barely watchable Flash intro
that has to be updated with each new album anyway so,
really, what's the point - is what makes a band's site a
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